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頑強而活力充沛 , 能與小孩及其他寵物和洽相處
他們是頗古老的品種,早在 1880 年便出現
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查理斯王騎士犬標準體重 : 5.5k.g 8k.g

標準體高 : 30cm

原產地 : Biristh

名字由來 : Cavalier is a warrior on horseback, name marked in the middle ages.

有趣資料 : They are United Kingdom of King Charles dog.

標準外型 : Eyes - Large, round,
Ears - Set high, but not close, on top of the head.
Full muzzle slightly tapered

毛質和毛色 : Hair of silk cord, long, soft, in addition a small Slippage. color is dark brown, Ruby red color and Apple color.

披毛護理 : Of moderate length, silky, free from curl. Slight wave permissible.
Blenheim , Tricolor ,Ruby ,Black and Tan

飼養要點 : Walking on this dog is very important, where they feed in large, will make them even better.

性格 : Gay, friendly, non-aggressive with no tendency towards nervousness or shyness.

歷史和用途 : For centuries, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (a namesake of King Charles II of Britain) has been recorded in paintings and tapestries together with their aristocratic families. It is obvious from these works of art that Cavaliers were a luxury item and lived "the easy life" as housepets. Though used successfully for shooting small game, the Cavalier’s true purpose has always been that of companion.
Today's Cavalier is directly modeled on its royal ancestors but this did not happen without the effort of an American fancier, Roswell Eldridge. Mr. Eldridge traveled to England in the early 1920's hoping to buy two spaniels. He was unsuccessful, finding a diversity of type and none of the "old type", particularly the head type he desired. Employing Yankee ingenuity and determination, Roswell offered prizes of twenty-five pounds to the best male and best female of the "old type" exhibited at Crufts each year. The motivator worked; interest was generated among breeders to revive the original spaniel.

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