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充滿生命力 , 善良而有智慧的犬種 . 飼養家庭裡 , 會對一個人特別忠心 , 至於要牠們交心 , 必須付出相當的時間
安哥拉兔(Angora)其名源于地名,为著名的观赏兔,尤以英国安哥拉最受欢迎。网络又称草泥兔,由右图中的兔子长相而得名。安哥拉兔大致上可分为五种:Enland(英国安哥拉),French(法国安哥拉),German(德国安哥拉),Satin Angora(缎毛安哥拉) 与 Giant Angora(巨型安哥拉)。
狗智識頻道 > 約瑟爹利
小型犬 > 玩具犬組
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約瑟爹利標準體重 : 3kg以下

標準體高 : 23cm左右

原產地 : United Kingdom, York County

名字由來 : Named for the English city from which they originally hail

有趣資料 : 據說毛色會變七次的活寶石

標準外型 : Small and rather flat on top, the muzzle not too long,Ears are small, V-shaped,Tail docked to a medium length and carried slightly higher than the level of the back.

毛質和毛色 : Quality, texture and quantity of coat are of prime importance. Hair is glossy, fine and silky in texture.
black and tan and are normally darker in body color.

披毛護理 : Their long coat requires regular brushing.

飼養要點 : specialist care, attentive care is very important.

性格 : nature and are brave, determined, investigative and energetic.

歷史和用途 : Yorkshire Terriers were used in the nineteenth century to catch rats in clothing mills. Surprisingly enough, in its beginnings, the Yorkie belonged to the working class, especially the weavers; in fact, facetious comments were often made about how the dogs' fine, silky coats were the ultimate product of the looms. Eventually, the breed left the workforce and became a companion animal to families of European high society.

適合此犬種的人 : Yorkies are easily adaptable to all surroundings, travel well and make suitable pets for many homes.Due to their small size, they require limited exercise, but need daily interaction with their people.

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