標準外型 : Roughly the same length and height, with a very homogeneous body type, foot moderate length. Dark brown hunting raccoon dog Head head clean, no wrinkles. Head the entire outline oval.
毛質和毛色 : The coat is short but dense to withstand rough going,coal black with tan markings
性格 : outgoing and friendly ,never shy or vicious
歷史和用途 : The Black and Tan Coonhound is believed to have descended from the Talbot Hound, which was known in England as far back as the 11th century, and the Bloodhound. In America, the Black and Tan Coonhound evolved from the Foxhounds that possessed treeing instinct and the black and tan color pattern. Owned by scouts and Indian fighters during the late 1700s, the Black and Tan was the first coonhound to be considered a separate breed from the American Foxhound.