名字由來 : Chinese art throughout the ages, starting with the Tang dynasty of the 8th century, abounds with images of the Pekingese, who gets his name from the ancient city of Peking, now called Beijing.
有趣資料 : 一直在中國宮廷飼養的犬種.
標準外型 : The topskull is massive, broad and flat and, when combined with the wide set eyes,ears are heart-shaped,eyes are large, very dark, round, lustrous and set wide apart,body is pear-shaped, compact and low to the ground
毛質和毛色 : It is a long, coarse-textured, straight, stand-off outer coat, with thick, soft undercoat. The coat forms a noticeable mane on the neck and shoulder area with the coat on the remainder of the body somewhat shorter in length. Regardless of coat color the exposed skin of the muzzle, nose, lips and eye rims is black.
性格 : A combination of regal dignity, intelligence and self-importance make for a good natured, opinionated and affectionate companion to those who have earned its respect.
歷史和用途 : They seem to be already present in China 2000 years ago, but kept within the Palace, patrons. Since the 19th century, the opium war, British and French troops into the Palace of Empress Dowager, dogs Beijing booty and bring back to the United Kingdom, and United Kingdom Beijing dog became the basis for the development of the country.